Guatemala Winter 2020
Jun 11, 2022The KeHE team flew into Guatemala City and visited a mountainside community called Santa Rosita. Guatemala is absolutely beautiful, and there were many breathtaking views on the car rides. While there, our team helped New Vision Guatemala install 20 new wood-burning stoves and distribute water filters, food, eyeglasses, clothing, and dental supplies. During our downtime, we played soccer, board games, and just spent time with the community. Learn more by watching this short video about the amazing work New Vision is doing in Guatemala.
Eddie Addis, Operations
I decided to go to Guatemala about a year after my first trip to Laredo. It took me 9 years to make my first serving trip. It was never the right time and there was always something going on that prevented me from throwing my hat in the ring. After I finally committed to Laredo and loved it, I knew that I was going to go on anther serving trip. The Guatemala trip was perfect timing.
The experience was awesome. Putting in the stoves, interacting with the families, and seeing the pure joy in their eyes was so rewarding. You realize how fortunate we are to be living the US. We’ve been fortunate enough to have a lot of “things” that make life so much easier. Stoves, running water, electricity, and clean air. I also realized that you can entertain a group of kids with just 2 dice. Screaming out the English and Spanish numbers as soon as the dice stop tumbling.
Pintu Behera, Supplier Development Manager
The whole trip was amazing from start to finish. Too many special moments to write about, but I really enjoyed going into the homes, installing the stoves, and praying for the families. Despite their poverty and lack of basic necessities, I found the people to be happy, friendly, welcoming, and very generous. It’s very easy for your heart to grow for the people of Santa Rosita. Their gratitude was on another level and based of need that may have gone unfilled if not for New Vision and KeHE Cares. It made me think that in many parts of the world there are people praying for relief from suffering and those prayers can be answered if someone from another part of the world shows up to help. It’s greats to work for a company that helps relieve human suffering.
I don’t know that I learned this, but it was definitely reinforced it. You don’t win at life by accumulating the most things. You win at life by positively impacting people.